operator 插入運算符使等式成立課程設計實驗報告 設計程序在表達式“
首先問題的左邊是“”中插入適當的運算符,可以想象成有這九個人按順序站著,然後在他們中間插入木板,木板分別為:“+”,“-”,“*”。把木板出入後就構成了一個表達式,然後通過特定的函數來篩選能夠使等式成立的表達式,並輸出。 - the was to in the " = a" on the left in the "" and"- "or"* ", in order to make was , the list of all . For : when a = 1000, 123 45-67 8-9 = 100. In is such a , but then such a that very , not by, and now the of all meet the of the are to. So using to solve the . The first left is "" , can this nine in , and then in the midst of them into board, board is: "","- ", "*". After the board in and out of an , and then the to can make , and .