


















“So only of the same level of power are to fight each other?” to .

“If that’s the case, then doesn’t that mean the Chief of the Four are to the other Chief ?”

“Haha…” ’t help but laugh. “, are you an idiot? The Chief can fight each other, yes, and the Chief of the Four have that suit their , true. But just they have doesn’t mean that their speed is than that of the other Chief . If the other Chief aren’t able to them, can’t they run?”

“Oh. Right. Right.” said, .

of the same rank ’t be too from each other in terms of speed, since they would be able to the enemy from far away their sense.

“But in the past, the Four . This…doesn’t this count as the pact?” ’t help but say, .

“I told you that only of the same level of power were to fight each other. This at the same level of power; what is power!” said. “The Four , all , were to a Chief when . How could they be as ? ’t that allow them to all of the ?”


The Four had been on the level of ‘Chief ’ in power.

“. In terms of power, you, too, are at the ‘Chief ’ level.” . “, knows. We can go hunt and kill one , and you can fuse the spark. By then, even if the other find you, you can just find an for what you did. That ’t be too hard.”

was moved, and he . “I !”

didn’t know the of him being a Soul , and thus it ’t be too hard for him to make up.

“In , the Chief of is on close terms with us. He will help speak on our .” . “As I , the Chief of Death is on good terms with you as well, .”

The pact was upon by the four Chief of the . Given that the Chief of and Death were on good terms with ’s side, this ’t prove .

“Hunt and kill a . Who we hunt and kill?” asked.

“. You still a wind-type spark and a fire-type spark, right? Is it to have a spark or an spark, or even a High spark?” asked . , the of , which was why he asked.

and said, “ spark!”

When he fused four types of power, power was much than power, of the of the , the four-way of power was ten times more than power. In , it also the body, , and had other .

It wasn’t true that the the spark, the . What more was…!

“Very well. We shall now go kill a wind- or a fire- .” , then said, “ the , the one whom we are on the worst terms with is the of Wind, ! , when I the four , after I went to the Realm, tried to me.”



In the Realm, if it hadn’t been for the , might have for the sake of the nine soul .

In , in the void of space, if it hadn’t been for and , on that as well, ’t have been able to bring the back to the Yulan Plane.

“ has acted me times and to kill me. In , there lies an old and , .” . “Then…let’s make him the one!”

“Hmph. is a mere , and yet he has quite a bit of .” as well. “He death.”

The three of the Yulan Plane, in just a few , had the fate of a .

Three days later.

bid his and . As for the of this , to hunt and kill a ? only told Delia, Bebe, and a few . Delia and the had all been at the of and the other two, but Delia and Bebe were with , , and .

“Boss, your will if I’ll be able to roam about and in the in the .” Bebe his lips and .

“Just wait and watch.” .

“, be .” Delia .

“Right.” Delia’s hands, then and left.

This , to their plans, ’t take too long. said a few more words to his and , then left and .

The Yulan Plane. The vast, North Sea .

, , and were to the north. The three weren’t in the rush at all.

“, have you from your five years of the blood of the Four ?” asked.

“Not much.” shook his head and . “ Gates and his four at are of the Black , them, I’ve a bit of as to how one the power of the blood of the Black . I am also now able to at the by which the of my Azure clan, the ‘Azure ’, was able to his body.”

The Azure ’s body was from the Black ’s .

“, my body is . After part of the blood of the four , it would just rise in power by one level.” . At his level, his body was too .

“As for the of the Four , I was to any into it.” . “After all, I never saw the Four their . In , my and the soul were to begin with.”

“Haha, don’t be . I’ve been for much than you, and I’ve even seen the Four their . I also have a deep level of the soul. And yet, I’m still to it.” . “To be able to your body yet time is worth being happy over. , those blood aren’t able to me.”

The why they were for was was a of the Azure clan to begin with.

“ , .” in .

“Eh?” The two at , .

“Just now, I used my sense to scan both of you times. Did you ?” as he at them. Just then, had and with his sense, but and hadn’t ; they had to chat with him .

“What? You us with sense?” and , .

“Right.” .



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1 岁运并临:  岁运并临,就是人行大运的天干地支和流年(当年)的天干地支相同。如有的人行庚辰大运,2000年又是庚辰年,这样就有两个庚辰重现,就称为“岁运并临”。 【岁运併临】如甲子运又值甲子流年,名岁运併临,独羊刃七杀为凶,财官印绶为喜用者反吉。书云:岁运併临,灾殃立至。此指阳刃言也。(书云:劫...